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We face big needs and provide multiple opportunities to give through projects and ongoing support. 

Hope for remote Communities

an ongoing initiative to serve IDPs bringing hope and meeting their essential needs. One of the functions of this initiative is to travel and bring support to the remote post combat areas disconnected from main infrastructure. 

Kharkiv Care Center “ВІКНО ДОПОМОГИ”

"Window of Help" is a place for all who are in need of food, clothes, daily essentials, counseling and crisis care support. Every day volunteers take care of dozens of visitors showing love and care. There is also a hotline for immediate communication and emergency assistance. Please donate for continual support


Womens Communities

an ongoing initiative to support women who lost their husbands and sons to the war by providing care and connecting to the community of other women

Trauma Care

an ongoing initiative to provide mental support to those affected by the horrors of war


Ukrainian Children Camp

 located in Carpatians, Ukraine one of the relatively peaceful regions of Ukraine. Children from war zones and post combat zones will be brought here for life changing experience. 

United for Ukrainian Kids

is an initiative to bring ukrainian children who lost family and suffer from trauma to the United States for a 3 week restoration program. Please support this project. 


Reconstruction of lost housing

an ongoing initiative to rebuild damaged and destroyed homes

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